
An Interview With Scott Garrett, Plateau Market President

你有什么故事?? Where did you grow up and have you always lived in Tennessee?
I have lived and worked here my entire life and plan to spend retirement here.

How did you get into banking?
My uncle was President of a small community bank and my Dad was a director. I went to work there after high school and completed college while at the bank.

How is the culture different at 世界赌博十大网站 compared to larger banks?
Decisions are made closer to home with people you know. You get to know the leadership teams on a personal level and are empowered to serve the local communities.

What is your favorite part 十大正规网投信誉平台 your job?
Working with people every day that I consider to be friends.

When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
My life was consumed with sports, so I never really thought 十大正规网投信誉平台 anything else until it was time to leave high school.

世界赌博十大网站 operates as a community bank, with the services and resources of a large bank. What advantages does that give you in your job? What 十大正规网投信誉平台 your customers?
It allows us to react quickly to the needs of the client and be able to offer the services of a much larger bank. It’s a special niche that separates us from other smaller and national banks.

What do you like best 十大正规网投信誉平台 being a community banker?
Getting to know the customers on a personal level and being able to meet their needs in a very efficient manner.

As a Market President, what’s your vision for 世界赌博十大网站 in your market area?
We want to be the best available resource to our customers and the community by providing advice, guidance and education that is second to none.

Describe your market area in three words.
Growing, diverse and vibrant.

If you could give your 20-year-old self one piece of advice, knowing what you know now, what would that advice be?
Find something that you’re passionate 十大正规网投信誉平台 and commit yourself to being the best.

Have you ever had a mentor who made a difference in your life? 怎么这么?
我的第一位老板.  His work ethic and concern for the client was contagious to all who worked around him.

What is your life’s motto?

Describe your perfect vacation.
实际上我有两个. A week in the mountains in winter time or a week at the beach in the summer with my wife. 我们都爱.

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